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This page will cover a bit of interesting stuff about the Second Boer War.

This list will be concluding battles from all phases of the war such as:

  1. The Boer offensive.
  2. The British offensive.
  3. The Guerilla war.
    Battles of the Boer War
    Battles British Victory Boer Victory Stalemate
    Battle of Ladysmith No Yes No
    Battle of Vaan Krantz No Yes (Minor Victory) No
    Battle of Groenkloof Yes No No
    The Second Boer War Ended in a British Victory

    Although the Boers fought valiantly and delivered shocking blows to the british army, eventually even their guerilla campaign was surpressed by the british invention of concentration camps and blockhouses. To honor Afrikaner Dutch bravery, Winston Churchill named the most elite infantry the UK had had during WW2 the Commandos (Dutch 'Kommando').

    As an alternativist myself, I really like to concept of these Free African-Dutch Republics, it is a phenomenon the Boer republics even existed and must remain an integral part of the history of the Scramble for Africa.
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